As my husband Jim and I walked to the John McKay Center, we saw the new Utengsu Swim stadium. Progress is being made.
We arrived at the John McKay Center at 8:30 a.m. Workmen were just assemblying the bleachers for the football team photo. Jim and I were joined by my sister Pat, brother-in-law Dudley and brother Charles. Trojan Candy thought that the football team pictures would be taken at 9:00 a.m. As it turns out, they were scheduled for 10:00 a.m.
CLICK HERE TO SEE MY GOOGLE ALBUM with many more pictures of our Trojans by team position, our coaches and many candid photos of Trojan Candy's friends.
Kudos to my brother Charles. I used many of his team position pictures.
I am ending this entry with this last picture of D.J. Morgan (8/12/2010), Marqise Lee, Hayes Pullard (8/19/2010), Silas Redd, Xavier Grimble, and a little USC Fan!
Trojan Candy was at USC for the Trojan Coaches Club meeting. When I arrived at the John McKay statue in front of the John McKay Center, I met two fellow Trojans---Ken and Sue Husting. They came for this meeting with about fifty other members and guests.
The meeting began with a private tour of the Center. Our tour guide was none other than J.K. McKay, himself! J.K. led us en masse into the lobby. Since Trojan Candy had already toured the John McKay Center several times, I immediately took pictures of the new murals in the entrance as J.K. spoke about the giant video screen in the lobby. It was so nice to see some friends in the murals.
Friends on left mural (L-R) Ray Sarmiento (3/11/2011), Devon Kennard (11/5/2009), Jamie Fink (11/5/2012), Haley Anderson (3/16/2013), Chass Bryan (10/28/2012), and Cassie Harberts (4/18/2012).
Friends on right mural (L-R) Jenna Puterbaugh (9/23/2013), Rachel Morris (4/19/2012), Sabrina Santamaria (5/11/2012), Mace Rapsey (4/8/2011), Josh Mance (3/31/2011), and Kirby Burnham (5/6/2013).
The tour continued on the first floor.
Next, we walked upstairs to the Football Offices. Trojan Candy saw two new items I have not seen before.
As the rest of the tour group walked around the football field and the weight room, Trojan Candy stayed outside of the Football Locker Room. What a payoff! I got to visit with and take pictures of some friends! They all came out of the locker room.
Boy, do I miss seeing my friends at Heritage Hall! Morgan Breslin came out also, but didn't want me to take his picture. That is typical Morgan!
The tour ended at the All-American Walk. We kept walking to Dedeaux Field for "Happy Hour" and dinner. The Open Bar was already set up. Two friends, TCC Past President Sam and Pat Nicholson were selling raffle tickets at the check-in-desk. Trojan Candy met Sam and Pat through their grandson Eric Strangis. Eric played on the USC Men's Basketball Team (2008-2012) and was the only graduating Senior last year. Pat told me that Eric is doing well in his business job. What fantastic news!
The food was delicious. Prime rib and salmon! Mmmm. Oh, yes, the Bar was still open!
The meeting was very interesting. New USC Baseball Coach, Dan Hubbs, gave us an insight into next year's team. Then, Gary Paskwietz spoke about the football team and staff.
Trojan Candy recognizes eight of the nine famous USC and NFL Alumni. They are from left to right: Junior Seau, Ronnie Lott, Ron Yary, Anthony Munoz, Lynn Swann, Willie McGinest, ?, Keyshawn Johnson and Marcus Allen (8/30/12). If any of my readers knows who our unnamed alumnus is, please email me. Thanks!
What an exciting evening!