Trojan Candy saw several friends today at Dedeaux Field and the Galen Center.
As my husband Jim and I walked from the USC Bookstore to Dedeaux Field, I saw football alumnus Boomer Roepke talking to friend FedEx Dave. Boomer told me that he is finishing up his MBA while he is working for the athletic office. Good for him and FIGHT ON, Boomer!
Onward to Dedeaux Field. The USC Baseball Team was playing the first game of a series against Oakland University. At the gate stamping hands were two more friends. Alice Pizzasegola and Samantha Bricio posed for this cute picture. Both young ladies play Women of Troy Volleyball. So nice to see them again! FIGHT ON, Alice! FIGHT ON, Samantha!
Trojan Candy went to Dedeaux Field where free USC baseball mugs were being passed out. This mug gets me free coffee or hot chocolate for the entire baseball season!
Unfortunately, I couldn't stay for the baseball game which would start at 6:00 p.m. I had planned to go to the Galen Center where free pink t-shirts would be passed out at 6:00 p.m.. I took one picture of our baseball team warming up before I left. Trojan Candy will write about the USC Baseball Team another time.
For now, it was time to trek across campus to the Galen Center for the Women of Troy Basketball Team game against Arizona. Along the way, Trojan Candy saw another friend who waved as she and a friend walked briskly past me. I wasn't able to get a picture of her. She is Women of Troy rower Elaine Krebs (9/20/2012) Fight On, Elaine!
The shirts are nice! Here is a picture of mine.
Before the game began, Trojan Candy saw two very familiar faces in the ladies room. It was so nice to see Dorothy Harberts. We talked about Cassie. Then, Cassie Harberts (4/18/2014) appeared with a big smile on her face and a big hug. Cassie said that the Australians are so friendly, and that she has enjoyed her experience in Australia.
As soon as Cassie and her mom walked into the arena, they began visiting with friends. Trojan Candy took this picture of Cassie taking a "selfie" with the band.
Indeed, it was also my lucky day. I was the recipient of a delicious pizza during the free Pizza Delivery. My friends shared in my good luck!
Yes, our Women of Troy won 77-51.
Our baseball team came from behind to beat Oakland 8-6!
So many friends and two victories too!
Trojan Candy came to see the Women of Troy Tennis team take on the Texas Longhorns at Marks Stadium.
During the intermission, the fans in the stands were given free burritos and chips and dip. What a nice scrumptious surprise!
Gabby won the tiebreaker by 11-9, and USC won the match 7-0.
During the match, Friend Drew Morcos (10/7/2010), the Physical Therapist for the team, introduced me to a new friend. I interviewed Kelly Dormandy and took her picture. Kelly is the Strength Coach for the Women of Troy Tennis Team, Women of Troy Soccer Team, and the Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving Teams. She is a graduate of Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, where she played soccer. Her previous job was the Soccer Strength Coach at Maryland. Kelly drove cross country to interview for the same position at USC, and she never went back east. In addition to enjoying L.A., Kelly likes all kinds of music. Her hobby is to work out a lot. Lobster is Kelly's favorite food. Her favorite movie is "Sandlot." Trojan Candy told Kelly that I have never heard of the movie "Sandlot." She said that it is a movie about little boys playing baseball. So nice to meet you, Kelly! FIGHT ON, Kelly!
There was another friend named Kelly in the stadium. I interviewed Kelly Kaneshiro (8/24/2012) at Heritage Hall when she was a Freshman at USC three years ago. Kelly started out majoring in Biology, but now as a Junior she is majoring in Health Promotion. Kelly has been fortunate to work with many USC athletic teams. As a Freshman she worked with football, sand volleyball and baseball. As a Sophomore her teams were sand volleyball and baseball. Now, as a Junior, Kelly told me that she loves working with women's tennis. After graduation from USC, Kelly wants to attend medical school and to become an anesthesiologist. FIGHT ON, Kelly!
FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Tennis!
Trojan Candy attended the USC-Oregon St. men's basketball game on Valentine's Day.
The picture on the game ticket was of Elijah Stewart.
Elijah deserved to have his picture on today's ticket. He scored the first three points for the Trojans with a three point shot. For the afternoon, Elijah made 50% of his shots, of which he made 5 of 10 three pointers! He ended the game with 19 points, 3 blocks, 3 steals and 4 assists! He was the high scorer of both teams! Here is Elijah shooting one of his two free throws.
Elijah was on the court at the end of the game when our team was in a "spread offense" to end the game. We won 68-55. What a victory! FIGHT ON, men's basketball!
Perhaps, Elijah's picture should be on every USC basketball ticket next year!
Trojan Candy arrived at the Galen Center at 5:00 p.m. As I entered the door, I saw a familiar face. Women of Troy Volleyball friend Hayley Crone was working at the check-in desk. After I checked in, I took her picture. Hayley said that she is working in the USC Athletic Department and that she will graduate in May. FIGHT ON, Hayley!
As I walked around the table, there were two more Athletic Greeters smiling at me. Trojan Candy recognized one of them. She was Sidney Cooke (11/12/2014). I interviewed her at an Athletic Fund Open House. Sidney swims the backstroke on the USC Swim Team. It was so nice to see her again. FIGHT ON, Sidney!
Naturally, I interviewed the other Greeter. Her name is Sam Adams. Sam, a Junior, is a diver on the USC Swimming and Diving Team. Trojan Candy couldn't help but ask her if she is teased about her name. Sam smiled and said that she is. From Mission Viejo, she has been diving for twelve years. Sam's mom was a diver at UCLA, and she started coaching Sam in diving when Sam was eight years old. I asked Sam if there has been a problem with her mom being a Bruin and she being a Trojan. Sam smiled and said that her mom doesn't root for UCLA anymore. Then, we both said in unison, "You're a Bruin for four years, and a Trojan for life!" Sam is majoring in Communication with an emphasis on multi-media and journalism. She is minoring in French. Sam likes happy, upbeat music and loves to eat chipotle food. One of her favorite things to do is public speaking! Unbelievable! Lastly, Sam told me that all the swimmers and divers live in the same apartment house. Now, that is team spirit! FIGHT ON, Sam!
Then, to Trojan Candy's surprise, four of our five of football recruits who enrolled this spring semester walked in the door. This was too good to be true! I immediately went up to each one of them, introduced myself, gave them my business card, interviewed them and took their picture.
Offensive tackle Roy Hemsley was the first player to arrive. He is from Los Angeles and is majoring in Business. When I asked Roy why he chose USC, he said that he has always been a USC fan. What about a hobby? Roy thought for a second, then he said his hobby is sleeping! Roy then said that he also likes to play video games. His favorite game is Madden. Burritos are his favorite food. Roy told me that his favorite music is Hip Hop. Thank you for choosing USC and FIGHT ON, Roy!
The next football player to arrive was Isaac Whitney. He is a wide receiver. Isaac is a pre-law major. He told me that he started playing football when he was six years old. Isaac is from a Trojan Family. His uncle attended USC. When asked if he has a hobby, Isaac said that it is to work out and get better! Isaac said that Italian food is his favorite food. His favorite music is rap music. Isaac explained that he listens to rap music before games to "get me in my zone." May you have many "in the zone" games at USC, Isaac! Thank you for choosing USC, Isaac!
FIGHT ON, Isaac!
The third new player to arrive was quarterback Ricky Town. He walked in with an old friend. It was so nice to see Devon Kennard (11/5/2009) again. Devon smiled and gave me a big hug. I asked him what he is doing now. Devon said that he played on the New York Giants last year. I told him that we are so proud of him. Then I asked him if any other Trojans played on the Giants. He said that Mike Patterson does. FIGHT ON, Devon! FIGHT ON, Mike!
Now, about Ricky. When asked about his major, Ricky said at first that he was undecided. Then he added that he is tending toward Communication. As for a hobby, Ricky said that he likes to draw and play the drums. He has two favorite foods...chipotle foods and cheeseburgers. Ricky said that he likes almost all music, but he doesn't like country music. Ricky is the first one in his family to attend USC, but he said that his little brother, who is a Junior in high school now, wants to attend USC's film school. Another Trojan Family! Finally, I asked Ricky why he chose USC. He said that USC is the best in academics and athletics. Trojan Candy wholeheartedly agrees! Thanks for choosing USC, Ricky! FIGHT ON, Ricky!
The fourth new recruit to arrive was Chuma Edoga. Chuma is still seventeen years old. When I first met him, Trojan Candy guessed that he was an offensive guard. Why did I guess that position? Chuma is large! He politely told me that he plays offensive tackle. Chuma is from Atlanta, Georgia. He wants to be a software engineer. For fun, Chuma likes to play video games, and his favorite game is Call of Duty. His hobby, like Ricky's, is drawing. Trojan Candy looks forward to seeing Ricky's and Chuma's drawings in the Galen Center Lobby for the Artletics Awards. Chuma's favorite food is spaghetti. His favorite music, like Isaac, is rap. Thank you for choosing USC, Chuma! FIGHT ON, Chuma!
Luckily, Trojan Candy finished Chuma's interview before we heard the Spirit of Troy march into the lobby. They led us to the tables of food! There was salad, fruit, scalloped potatoes, salmon and prime rib. I sat with my sister Pat and brother-in-law Dudley. At each place setting, there was a mini-football and a 19th Annual Trojan Football Recruiting Celebration book that describes each of our new recruits.
Trojan Candy was able to take just one more picture before the program began. Friend and USC Football Graduate Assistant Coach Luis Nevarez (9/8/2011) posed with one of the chefs who prepared and carved the delicious prime rib. FIGHT ON, Luis!
Unfortunately, throughout the evening my trusted Canon camera which has taken over 10,000 pictures so far, began to malfunction. Fortunately, Trojan Candy was able to interview five new friends and take their pictures!
Founder and Dinner Chair Dann V. Angeloff welcomed all the guests. Then Pat Haden gave the introductions.
Next, Head Coach Steve Sarkisian spoke. He announced that we had the #1 Recruiting Class in the nation! Even more proudly, Coach Sark told the audience that our 2014 football team had the highest GPA ever recorded for a USC football team. Congratulations!
Then the highlight of the evening began. Each football coach introduced his new recruits by position. Videos were shown of each new Trojan while the coaches described their attributes. Twenty-five new Trojans! Congratulations to all of our coaches!
At the close of the program, our four new football recruits were introduced. They were each given a USC cap. Ricky Town was the spokesman for the players. The photographer for the event tonight, friend Pierson Clair, let me use his picture of our four new Trojans on the stage. Check out Pierson's website at
One final presentation was given. Jake Olson, whom Pete Carroll had made an honorary member of the team, came to the podium. Unfortunately, Jake has lost his vision now. But, fortunately, Jake has been admitted to USC for the 2015 fall semester, and he has been awarded a four year scholarship thanks to Ron Orr's "Swim with Mike" program. Congratulations, Jake, and FIGHT ON!
What an amazing day and evening!
FIGHT ON, USC New Football Recruits!