May 2017 (2) Candygrams
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Wednesday, May 10, 2017---Women of Troy Beach Volleyball Awards Banquet
Trojan Candy and my husband Jim arrived early at the Galen Center for the Women of Troy Beach Volleyball Awards banquet. We were still excited about winning our back-to-back NCAA National Championship on Sunday, May 7th. We met a new friend, Laurie Keys, in the lobby.
Head Coach Anna Collier walked into the lobby with an even bigger smile on her face. I went to give her a big hug and congratulations.

Then, Coach Anna posed with friends and family. Dudley and Patti Poon, Karen Trust, Anita Ybarra, Anna Collier, Leland Waters, Laurie Keys, and Jim Yee.

Finally it was time to enter the Founder's Room. Trojan Candy saw the Awards trophies first.

Next, I saw the "Seeding Bracket." The champion is Southern California!

And UCLA was a Loser!

Friend Donna Heinel and her two children walked by me, so I was able to take their picture.

Trojan Candy made my way near the bar area. That is where the 2017 NCAA Beach Volleyball Championship Trophy was displayed.
The Pac-12 Championship Trophy was next to the NCAA trophy. Aren't they beautiful!
I turned to my left and saw a beautiful young lady. Jenna Belton smiled at me and agreed to let me interview her. Jenna is majoring in Human Biology. She wants to be either a Physical Therapist or an Occupational Therapist. She started playing indoor volleyball when she was thirteen. Jenna chose USC, because, on her visitation, she fell in love with the campus, the Galen Center, the coach and because USC felt like "family." Trojan Candy is sure glad that Jenna is a Trojan! Italian food is her favorite food. Jenna's favorite movies are Harry Potter movies, and she also likes Harry Potter books the best. "The Office" is Jenna's favorite television show. Finally, Jenna likes "very laid back" music. She likes Classic Rock, the Beatles, and Jack Johnson. FIGHT ON, Jenna!
Now Trojan Candy started walking around the entire room looking for more Beach Volleyball players.

I found friend
Sara Hughes (1/31/2014) and her mom Laura.

Laura took this picture of Jim and yours truly with Sara. Notice someone in the background "photobombing."

Next, I took this picture of the "culprit
Kelly Claes (3/2/2017)" with SID Tim Tessalone.

Kelly Claes and her dad Paul smiled for me.

Trojan Candy walked by two friends sitting at their table. Hello to Tom Gresczyk and Tim Seno.

Strength and Conditioning Coach
Kelly Dormandy (2/15/2015) posed with Athletic Director Lynn Swann.

Lynn Swann is everywhere! Here he is with Laurie Keys.

Then, here he is with Coach Anna Collier.

Trojan Candy finally made it back to my table. We were sitting with Senior
Nicolette Martin (3/5/2015), her friend Jake Arnitz, and her parents Todd and Criss.

Now, I started to walk around the Founder's Hall again. Trojan Candy took a picture of Sophomores
Becca Dunn (3/3/2016) and Abril Bustamante with Abril's brother Inaki and mother Olivia.

Trojan Candy took this picture of Beach Volleyball Staff members Ryan Plunkett, David Foley, Katie Fuller, Katie Johnson, Jeff Liu, and
Alice Pizzasegola (1/8/2017).

Near my table, Trojan Candy took this picture of Kelly Claes, Volunteer Assistant Coach Dain Blanton and Maeve McCaffrey. Dain and Maeve sat at our table.

Dinner was now served. Believe it or not, Trojan Candy left her table again to take pictures. I saw Joy Dennis and her dad Daryl sitting at a table with my friends. There were Daryl and
Joy Dennis (3/2/2017), Stefanie Miller, Anita Ybarra, and Karen Trust.

I took another picture of Daryl and Joy Dennis.
Trojan Candy was able to take one more picture before the program started. Juniors Jo Kremer (3/3/2016) and Terese Cannon (3/3/2016) sat at the same table. Terese paired with Nicolette Martin this season. Terese scored the final point to win 15-13 in the deciding match to beat Pepperdine in the Championship match. I asked Terese about the final point. She said, "All I could think about was GET IT DOWN!" She also said that she was not nervous in the "moment," but she was nervous afterwards! Congratulations, Terese!
Women of Troy Beach Volleyball announcer Leland Waters took the podium to start the program.

This is the USC Athletic motto on the podium.

Leland asked our pairs to introduce each other. He started with our Freshmen pair of
Avery Hazelrigg (3/2/2017) and
Cammie Dorn (3/2/2017).

Kiddingly, Leland pointed out that Avery's shoes had pictures of the Beach Volleyball team.

After Avery introduced Cammie, Cammie returned the favor.

Next pair on the stage were Sophomore Brianna Sizemore and Freshman
Lainy Thomas (3/2/2017).

Sophomore Katrina Kernochan introduced her partner Sophomore Becca Dunn.

Juniors Jenna Belton and Jo Kremer were next on the stage.

Freshman Joy Dennis and her partner Sophomore Abril Bustamante introduced one another.

Everyone in the audience could see Junior Terese Cannon and her partner Senior Nicolette Martin come up on the stage. Their visors showed their originality.

Seniors Sophie Bukovec and
Allie Wheeler (3/5/2015) gave one another a big hug.

Last, but not least, Seniors Kelly Claes and Sara Hughes came up on the stage. They were still "all smiles."

After our sixteen players were introduced, Head Coach Anna Collier stepped up on the stage to say something special about each of the five Seniors.

This video recorded Coach Anna's "Thank you" to her staff and her memories of the five Seniors.
FIGHT ON, Sophie! FIGHT ON, Nicolette! FIGHT ON, Kelly! FIGHT ON, Allie! FIGHT ON, Sara!

Next, Assistant Coach Ali Lamberson announced some of the Award winners.

Then Assistant Coach Dain Blanton announced some Award winners.
The winners were as follows:
IRWIN AWARD: Most growth as a person:
"T" Terese Cannon
SPIRIT OF TROY: Most heart and passion for the game:
Nicolette Martin
MOST INSPIRATIONAL: Voted on by the team:
Allie Wheeler
MOST VALUABLE PLAYER: She brings the team together:
Sara Hughes
COACHES AWARD: Player who has overcome a big challenge. She has played with eight different partners this year:
Katrina Kernochan
 A video of the season ended the program.
 Everyone heard them coming. The Spirit of Troy marched to the stage.
 Trojan Candy saw friend Sara standing next to Coach Anna as the Spirit of Troy played "Fight On."
 Luckily, Coach Anna gathered the team for a picture. There were so many friends and family standing behind me, Trojan Candy barely could step back enough to get a picture of the entire team.
 Before leaving, I took a picture of Jo Kremer with Debra James and her dad Mark Kremer.
 Allie Wheeler smiled with her parents Dick and Jody at her side.
 Athletic Trainer Katie Johnson stood between Abril Bustamente and Joy Dennis.
 I saw Kelly Claes, Leland Waters, and Sara Hughes at the seeding bracket.
 Trojan Candy said "Good night" to SID Jeremy Wu and his wife April.
My last picture of the evening was of Nicolette Martin and her friend Jake Arnitz.
Another fabulous evening!
Congratulations, Women of Troy 2017 Beach Volleyball National Champions!