Thursday, January 30, 2020---USC Men's Basketball vs Utah

At the men's basketball game vs Utah, Trojan Candy saw a familiar face sitting courtside. I walked down quickly to say, "Hello." Friend Matt Leinart (2/1/2014) turned around for this picture. Later, on the big screen, Matt was shown with his son Cole at his left. Keep Fighting On, Matt!
By the way, our men beat Utah 56-52!
FIGHT ON, USC Men’s Basketball!
Wednesday, January 29, 2020---USC Associates Luncheon at the Hillcrest Country Club
My husband Jim and I were invited to the USC Associates luncheon at the Hillcrest Country Club in Los Angeles. The reception was outside and gave us a beautiful view of the golf course.
As soon as we checked in, Trojan Candy took out my Sony camera and started taking pictures. I was looking for Trojan Guild of Los Angeles, Half Century Trojans and Town and Gown members.

The first picture that I took was a combination of all three USC organizations. They were Julie Schloss, Cookie Lee, Michele Dedeaux Engemann, Christine Ofiesh, Linda Givvin, Janet Eddy, Patti Poon, Sally Edwards and Najwa Hanel.

Craig and Alisa Farkas smiled for this picture.

As Trojan Candy walked around, I gathered Half Century Trojans for this picture. Meet Abe Somer, Terri and Dan Cassidy, Amy Ross, Jim Eddy, Patti Poon, Michele Dedeaux Engemann, Janet Eddy and Sally Edwards.

Standing under an umbrella were two very familiar faces. Fellow USC Angel's Flight member Robin Stirling and her husband Frank Stirling, who graduated in 1968 like yours truly, smiled for me. We see one another at Associates functions a few times a year.

At a nearby umbrella, I took a picture of HCT members Abe Somer, Dan Cassidy, former HCT President Jim Childs and Toper Taylor.

Patti and Dudley Poon met two Half Century Trojans. They were Weta and Dr. Allen Mathies. Dr. Allen was the Dean of the USC Medical School from 1974-1985.

Trojan Candy walked back out into the sunlight and saw four familiar faces. They were Larry Jung, Christine Ofiesh, Wandy Jung and Mary Pullare.

Nearby was Trojan Guild President Sandy Johnston who posed with Susan Kang and Ron and Maureen Cocchi.

USC Associate Tracey Vranich posed with Town and Gown members Sally Edwards and Carol Mollett.

Town and Gown members Najwa Hanel, Sally Edwards, Carol Mollett, Marilou Hamill and Usha Patel smiled for Trojan Candy.

As everyone was going inside, I took this picture of Jim and Janet Eddy with Senior Executive Director of the USC Associates Adam Bart and Patti Poon.

The last outdoor picture that Trojan Candy took was of Dudley and Patti Poon with TGLA's Sandy Johnston and Linda Waxman.

Trojan Candy took a picture of the guests at my table. Standing were Craig and Rose Anderson, Bob and Linda Waxman, Sandy Johnston, Jim Yee and Kaitlyn Lange. Sitting were Laure (T&G) and Jose Molina, Christine Ofiesh and Najwa Hanel.

Then the Associates official photographer came by, and I asked him to take this picture of all of us...including me.

The speaker USC Provost Chip Zukoski joined Associate Scholar Tyler Gallagher for this picture.

Fellow HCT Board Member Dan Cassidy came over to meet Tyler and tell him about our HCT Scholarships. Dr. Allen Mathies joined Dan and Tyler for my last picture of the day.
It was so nice to see my TGLA, Town and Gown, Half Century Trojans and Associates friends at the Hillcrest Country Club.
Friday, January 17, 2020---Women of Troy Basketball vs UCLA Lady Bruins
My husband Jim and I arrived at the Galen Center for the Women's basketball game against the undefeated Number 7 ranked UCLA Bruins an hour early to get our favorite seats. We got them and were able to save seats for family and friends. Closer to the tipoff many Bruin fans showed up. Many of them sat in our section.
Now it was time to announce the lineup for the Women of Troy.
The game was close in the first half. The score at the end of the first quarter was USC 16-UCLA 15. Then our Women of Troy outscored and outrebounded the 16-0 Bruins in the second quarter. We even had a 12-0 run. The score at half-time was USC 30 –UCLA 17! Excitement was everywhere.

Trojan Candy took a video of the Dance Force during the halftime.

Can't forget the Song Girls.

Here are some third quarter highlights. The score at the end of the third quarter was USC 43-UCLA 41.

In the fourth quarter Senior Kayla Overbeck made two crucial free throws to tie the game at 51-51. Neither team scored again to send the game into overtime.

With no more scoring, our Women of Troy beat the Lady Bruins in two overtimes! The score was USC 70-UCLA 68.

Some scoring highlights of our victory were shown while the Spirit of Troy played our alma mater!

The Spirit of Troy, Song Girls, Dance Force and Spirit Leaders celebrate our victory with the team to the sounds of "Tusk."
What a hard earned VICTORY!
FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Basketball!
Sunday, January 12, 2020---Women of Troy Volleyball Awards Brunch
Trojan Candy arrived just in time for the start of the Women of Troy Volleyball Awards brunch. I immediately took out my camera and started taking pictures of the Seniors.

Senior Raegan LeGrand, her mom Alyssa and dad Nate posed for my first picture.

Brooklyn Schirmer (1/6/2019) and her parents Craig and Mai were sitting at a nearby table.

While we were waiting to get our food, Trojan Candy took this picture of Senior
Khalia Lanier's (1/6/2019) family.
My sister Patti had Khalia's mom Rose write the family names in another book. Sitting down were Rose Lanier, Uncle Charles Price and Uncle Milan Tiff. Standing were Aunt Aleita Tiff, Khalia and Justice Price.

Senior Emily Baptista's family was at the next table. Sitting were Devin, Dad Randy and Grandma Pat Baptista. Standing were Emily and Grandpa John Baptista.

Trojan Candy saw a familiar face at Senior Jenna Adam's table. USC Track alumnus Michael Norman smiled. He was sitting between Jenna and her dad Jeff. Standing were Aunt Vycki Smaldino, Grandmother Diana Fowls, Mom Lori and Aunt Laura Greenberg.

Senior Jasmine Gross posed between her cousins Emily King and Jorge Garcia.

The people at our table got our food and sat down. Sitting at our table were Juniors
Brooke Botkin (1/6/2019) and Candice Denny.
Trojan Candy interviewed Candice. She is from Saratoga, California, and is majoring in Law and History Culture and Commercial Design. Baking and taking hikes are her hobbies. Candice's favorite movie is "The Fantastic Mr. Fox." She likes Alternative music, but no country music. FKA Twigs and Beyonce are her favorite artists. FIGHT ON, Candice!
Now it was time for the program to begin.
Here is the list of winners:
Best Blocker Award: Jasmine Gross
Best Attack % Award: Freshman Emilia Weske
Best Passer Award: Brooke Botkin
Best Server Award: Emily Baptista
Best Spirit Award: Jenna Adams and Raegan LeGrand
Team MVP Award: Khalia Lanier
Congratulations to all of the Women's Volleyball Awardees.
Now it was time to honor the Seniors. Each Senior spoke at the podium.
Khalia Lanier was the last Senior to speak.
The last video that ended the program showed the season highlights and honored the Seniors.
FIGHT ON, Women of Troy Volleyball!